Handmade by Leanne fresh Herefordshire red cherries, fresh lime zest and juice cracked Tellicherry peppercorns infused in Gin.
"An intriguing use of red cherries and a really clever meld with the complementary Tellicherry peppercorns. Both have bright character, with stone fruit and pepper aromas leaping out of the glass, and slightly sour juiciness balancing the sweetness on the palate. We'd have given a star even sampling at room temperature, and over ice the balance is perfected - sweet, sour, slightly bitter, highly aromatic elements all forming a delightful meld. Reccomened with blue cheese, but no blue cheese to hand, but we can well imagine this being a great combination, albeit more with a Roquefort than a Stilton style. Unusual and rather delightful." Comments from the Great Taste judges from the Guild of Fine Food.
Lone Stag Cherry & Black Pepper Gin Infusion
This product is available in 200ml and 40ml sizes. ABV 18.1%